The Self Esteem Centre - Perth - Services, Perth - 1347598


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The Self Esteem Centre - Services

Ref. number: 1347598 Updated: 08-02-2013 10:35

Offering: Services in Australia, Perth

PURPOSE To inspire you to work towards your goals. To show your how to be more productive and approach your life with a high level of motivation. To bring to the forefront emotions and feelings that will provoke change in your daily habits. To give some handy instant tools that can be implemented to maximize human potential. MISSION To guide you on a path of Self-Discovery that will expand your human potential and further enlarge your opportunity for contribution, significance, success and Purpose in life.

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Contact information
First name: Louise
Last name: Evans
Phone number: 08 9467 1806
Mobile number: 08 9467 1806
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