Formal dress, shoes and handbag business for sale.
Business located in a shopping mall at Bicton, one of the most prestige suburb in Perth, near the city of Fremantle and includes all stock and website. The website is an advanced website and you have two stream of incomes. Excellent business relationship can be established with local peaple and whole the Australia and even overseas.
The shop has located in the best position at the shopping mall with two sides view. There is no competion to this shop based on lease agreement. the lease is 5 years and can be extended to another 5 years. The rent is very low. Expected turnover is $400000 per year with margin profit of +%100.
The cost of renovation is about $30000 and stockes worth about $40000 and the software is about $30000.
The reason for sale is that the owner needs to go to overseas for at least two years.