Get premium quality scaffolding tubes & accessories - Perth - Other services, Perth - 470966


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Get premium quality scaffolding tubes & accessories - Other services

Ref. number: 470966 Updated: 29-01-2011 11:37

Offering: Other services in Australia, Perth

Are you planning to get a new residence or office constructed? If yes, then use premium quality scaffolding tubes and their accessories, such as beam clamp, LVL plank, etc., which are being provided by Western Scaffolding & Steel, at a never-before prices. These scaffolding tubes and accessories will provide more safety to your labour and give them the perfect platform to work on. Lot 1, 40 Lancaster Road, Wangara, WA 6065, Australia Mobile : + 614-3492 8671 Phone : +618 620 161 53 Fax : +618-9409 1588 Email : Website:

Contact information
First name: Alexis
Last name: Alley
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