Office Cleaning Perth - Perth - Office Equipment, Perth - 662308


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Office Cleaning Perth - Office Equipment

Ref. number: 662308 Updated: 16-06-2011 08:10

Offering: Office Equipment in Australia, Perth

Orbit Group is one of the best office cleaning agencies in Australia . Orbit Group has been established as a reputable Commercial Cleaning Service operator . We accomplish this by maintaining a commitment to our quality .It offers comprehensive home and office cleaning services at affordable rates in Perth. We have expertise in Office Cleaning , Window Cleaning etc . Orbit Group Level 28, AMP Tower 140 St. Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000 Phone : 08 9278 2675 Fax : 08 9349 8562 Mobile : 0419 867 684 Email : Website :

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First name: Alexis
Last name: Alley
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